openSUSE.Asia Summit

openSUSE.Asia Summit

openSUSE.Asia Summit is one of the great events for openSUSE community (i.e., both contributors, and users) in Asia. Those who usually communicate online can get together from all over the world, talk face to face, and have fun. Members of the community will share their most recent knowledge, experiences, and learn FLOSS technologies surrounding openSUSE.

This event at Taipei is the fifth in openSUSE.Asia Summit. Following the first Asia Summit in Beijing 2014. The past Asia Summits have had participants from China, Taiwan, India, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, and etc.


Why should you get involved in open source?

Ana María Martínez Gómez


08/11 10:00 - 10:30


Beginner / 入門

Are you new to the open source community? Or you are not even sure if it could be something for you? I will tell you how I started as an open source contributor and what from my experience makes open source and openSUSE such as interesting option.

I will provide some tips to give your first steps in the open source world. In this line, I will speak about mentoring programs, focusing on GSoC (Google Summer of Code), in which openSUSE participates and in which I personally have participated as a student, mentor and organisation admin. I will explain what this program is about and why it is important for openSUSE. I will show projects from last years and for everybody interested in participating I will cover who can apply and how to do so. Last but not least, I'll present examples of ideal projects to start contributing to, both inside and outside openSUSE.

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Working and Contributing to Open Source Project via Grphic Design in openSUSE Tumbleweed

Ahmad Romadhon Hidayatullah a.k.a Rania Amina


08/11 10:00 - 10:30


Skilled / 中階

Working (in the field of graphic design) with open source applications is sometimes still a scary thing. This is because the use of proprietary products on the market is quite dominant. This often makes non mainstream applications such as Inkscape, Gimp, Krita, Synfig, etc. which incidentally is open source application underestimated. In fact, these applications are highly qualified and powerful to meet the needs of graphic design both general and specific.
In this session, I will describe my experiences during using these applications to create designs in openSUSE. In addition, I will also tell you about the design community in Indonesia that has been fully using open source applications as the main application to create graphic design work. This community is named Gimpscape ID.
Finally, I will describe what I have done to contribute to an open source project through this graphic design. Hopefully after this session, users of open source design applications are more confident and willing to contribute as well.

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What is necessary for the next input method framework



08/11 10:30 - 11:00


Skilled / 中階

Input method framework is a software that has been used to input complex characters (e.g., Chinese characters, Hiragana, Hangul). Strictly speaking, the role of input method framework is bridging desktop applications and input method engines, which translate typed keys into complex characters. During this two decades, several input method frameworks including Kinput2, SCIM, UIM, Gcin, Fcitx, and IBus have been developed.

The situation surrounding text input method is changing. Firstly, new approaches such as software keyboard for touch screen and speech to text input are available on platforms other than Linux desktop.

Another change is the integration of input method into desktop application platforms. For example, IBus is now a part of GNOME desktop environment; Not only GNOME, Qt also include IBus support. Furthermore, Flatpack also uses a subset of IBus D-Bus interface for applications in Flatpack sandbox to communicate with an input method running on its host desktop.

Some people might think IBus is the defacto standard input method framework. However, quite many people prefer Fcitx or else due to the design issues of IBus. The latter people might think they are losing their freedom to select input method framework.

Now the speaker thinks that it is time to discuss the variety of input method frameworks is really necessary for the future Linux desktop environment. An input method framework itself does not provide much experience for users because its primary role is usually invisible to users. Thereby, how about bringing the war of input method framework and using our effort to improve input method engine, implementing the new approaches mentioned above, and supporting newer application platforms like Wayland?

In this talk, we would like to discuss what is necessary for the future input method framework by reviewing the design issues of IBus. The topics will be as the followings:

  • Thin and high-level protocol with libraries avoiding code duplication
  • The separation of responsibility between IBus daemon and plugins
  • Importance of opened community

Note that the speaker is neither a developer of IBus nor GNOME. The attendees from GNOME community are welcome to improve this discussion.

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Single Sign On Services with Free/Open Source Software at Universitas Indonesia - Updating to CAS 5

Tonny Adhi Sabastian


08/11 10:30 - 11:00


Skilled / 中階

In this talk, i will deliver and share my experience as part of engineering team who build and maintain Single Sign On Services (SSO) using F/OSS. This talk is continuation from my paper on OpenSuse Asia 2017. Universitas Indonesia (UI) has been using F/OSS solution to deliver Single Sign On Infrastructure since 2011. We are using JASIG CAS (currently called Apereo CAS - - ) as our SSO engine. We use CAS to integrate multiple authentication sources to a centralized IDP from our internal apps and services from external vendor. We use CAS for our infrastructure services, network authentication, apps authentication and even Google Apps authentication. Our implementation is still based on CAS 3, and it began to slightly out of date to current auth protocol standard. In this talk, i will share our experiences on CAS update process to latest CAS 5.x to cope with current authentication standard and security enhancement.

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Simplistic Migration from Leap to Enterprise

Chenzi Cao


08/11 11:15 - 11:30

漢語 / Mandarin Chinese

Beginner / 入門

openSUSE has released a new distribution Leap 15 on openSUSE Conference 2018. openSUSE Leap 15 shares a common core with SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE) 15 sources and has thousands of community packages on top to meet the needs of professional and semi-professional users and their workloads.
For the first time, SUSE will support migration from Leap to SLE, which gives system integrator developing on Leap the possibility of moving to an enterprise version for certifications, mass deployments and/or extended Long Term Support. openSUSE Leap 15 brings plenty of community packages built on top of a core from SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE) 15 sources, which is the first time the two major releases were built from the beginning in parallel.
As a tester of this new feature, I wish I could communicate with you about this feature, and share with you how to perform the migration from Leap to SLE on openSUSE.Asia Summit.

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Nusantara Metode Input at OpenSUSE

Rahman Yusri Aftian


08/11 11:15 - 11:30

English and Indonesia

Aksara Nusantara is a variety of script or writing that is used in the archipelago to specifically write a particular regional language. Although the Arabic alphabet and Latin alphabet are also often used to write regional languages, the term Aksara Nusantara is often associated with the letters of inculturation of Indian culture. Various kinds of writing media and stationery are used to write the script of the archipelago. Writing media for inscriptions include stone, wood, animal horns, gold plates, silver plates, copper temples, and bronze plates; writing made with chiseled stationery. Writing media for manuscripts include palm leaves, nipah leaf, coconut leaf, bamboo blades, bark, local paper, imported paper, and fabrics; writing made with stationery in the form of a knife or a pen and ink.
Aksara Nusantara is a unicode script located on the cluster of islands in Indonesia, Java, sunda, rejang, bugis, balinese which is the legacy of tribal characters in indonesia.
here I present how to write with Java input method, bali input methodist, rejang input metode, bugis input methode, batak input mothode at operating system Open Suse.
Unicode archipelago is a project developed by indonesian developers who are now in suspended animation, for that in this event hopefully can revive the archipelago unicode, so as can be an inheritance and can be used in education.

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EFI key

Joey Lee


08/11 11:30 - 12:00

漢語 / Mandarin Chinese

Skilled / 中階

The EFI boot services variable can only be accessed by signed EFI execution when secure boot is enabled by user. We can use the mechanism to store a random number in boot services variable as a root key. The root key can be sused to encrypt and authenticate other keys in key retention service in Linux kernel. It can be a new key type.

This talk introduces the EFI key:

  • EFI key:
  • A new master key type to key retention service.
  • It can be a new option beyond trusted key(TPM) and user key.
  • ERK (EFI Root Key)
  • EFI stub generates a random key and stores in EFI boot services variable.
  • The ERK is secure when secure boot enabled.
  • User must aware and enable secure boot by themself if they want.
  • ERK can be a secret to encrypt a random number for generate a EFI key
  • The EFI key can be used by hibernation encryption/authentication.
  • The EFI key can be a master key to generate a encrypted key for EVM.
  • Rescue mechanism for ERK.

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Building Tiny Private openSUSE Cloud

Masayuki Igawa


08/11 11:30 - 12:00


Beginner / 入門

Recently, public clouds are getting to a majority of
infrastructures. For example, using containers, Docker, Kubernetes,
Web applications, etc. Of course, public clouds are very convenient
because they are very easy to use and cheap comparing to using
physical machines. However, it's sometimes a bit boring for some
people who want to know/manage the whole of the things such as physical network,
storage, machines, etc. And also, an experience of building a tiny
cloud with physical machines could be a very good opportunity to
understand computer technologies. Moreover, it's fun for such people
like me.

I had built a my own tiny private cloud with openSUSE and OpenStack on
my own physical machines. And I'm now using it for some of purposes
such as evaluating new Linux distributions, containers, Kubernetes,
etc. I had allocated the budget around only 50k JPY (500USD) for
building it. It's quite a cheap to build a cloud system, actually.
However, it can be done with open source software and some tricks.

In this talk, attendees will get to know about the tiny private
how to build, issues/challenges, benefit and the potential
capabilities of openSUSE.

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Open vSwitch overview

David Chang


08/11 13:00 - 13:30

漢語 / Mandarin Chinese

Beginner / 入門

Open vSwitch is a multilayer software switch licensed under the open source Apache 2 license. The goal is to implement a production quality switch platform that supports standard management interfaces and opens the forwarding functions to programmatic extension and control.

Open vSwitch is well suited to function as a virtual switch in VM environments. In addition to exposing standard control and visibility interfaces to the virtual networking layer, it was designed to support distribution across multiple physical servers. Open vSwitch supports multiple Linux-based virtualization technologies including Xen/XenServer, KVM, and VirtualBox.

In this talk, I would like to give an overview about the Open vSwitch project and including the following topic:

  • What is Open vSwitch and why we need Open vSwitch?
  • Open vSwitch support features
  • Open vSwitch architecture
  • Current status of Open vSwitch
  • How to install Open vSwitch in openSUSE
  • Introduction Open vSwitch daemons and tools

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Ansible and openSUSE workshop

Max Huang


08/11 13:00 - 15:15

漢語 / Mandarin Chinese

Beginner / 入門

Ansible is an IT automation tool. It can configure systems, deploy software, and orchestrate more advanced IT tasks such as continuous deployments or zero downtime rolling updates.
In this workshop - We will introduce ansible and hands on some example with openSUSE.

  • What is ansible - configuration management tool

  • Online resource with ansible

  • Why do you use Ansible

  • What's difference with shell script?

  • What do I need to know before I use Ansible?

  • How to install ansible with openSUSE and other linux.

  • The role of Ansible.
    ---- Control Machine
    ---- Managed Node

  • Hands on - Hello ansible! Your first ansible command.
    ---- Use command line
    ---- Use Jupyterhub

  • What is inventory file?

  • What is ansible.cfg?

  • What is Ansible Module - what could them do it for you?

  • Hands on - use ansible module with openSUSE.

  • What is Playbook?
    ---- how could I use playbook with ansible.

  • Hands on - use ansible playbook with openSUSE

  • Reference

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What you should know about OpenSUSE today ?

Jeffrey Cheung


08/11 13:30 - 14:00

漢語 / Mandarin Chinese

Beginner / 入門

openSUSE project, a community program sponsored by SUSE in order to promoting the use of Linux everywhere. This program aims to provides free, easy access to the world's most usable Linux distribution (openSUSE).

openSUSE has been a community-driven project that, despite sponsorship from SUSE, is relatively independent. About two years ago, openSUSE decided to move the base of openSUSE Leap to SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE), which SLE is a tightly controlled enterprise ship that runs on mission critical systems. The fact is that moving to SLE source code would solve many problems for both SLE and openSUSE via creating a symbiotic relationship in which they can pull the content from each other.

At the end, openSUSE project restructured its distributions and created two distributions: Leap and Tumbleweed.

Tumbleweed, the fully-tested rolling release, became upstream for SLE; whereas Leap is based on SLE and inching itself towards full compatibility with SLE.

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Journey to openSUSE Leap 15.0

Max Lin


08/11 14:15 - 14:45

漢語 / Mandarin Chinese

Beginner / 入門

openSUSE Leap is a stable release version of openSUSE project[1], a brand new way of building openSUSE and is new type of hybrid Linux distribution. openSUSE Leap uses source shared codebase with SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE), which gives Leap a level of stability unmatched by other Linux distributions, and combines that with community developments to give users, developers and sysadmins the best stable Linux experience available. The first release of Leap was November 4, 2015, with the release of openSUSE Leap 42.1. The latest release of openSUSE Leap, 15.0, was released on May 25, 2018.

In this talk, I will present what happened during developing openSUSE Leap 15.0, eg. we have switched to rolling development model for openSUSE Leap release[2]; we have enabled more checks than previous release ensure a better quality, etc., apart from that, I will also given a overview of the important changes.


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How Jogja Become City of GNU/Linux User Friendly

Estu Fardani


08/11 14:45 - 15:15


Beginner / 入門

I came in to Jogja, March 2009 for Bachelor Degree of Computer Engineering at UIN Sunan Kalijaga and became GNU/Linux user 6 month later since release of Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala.

After 10.04 Release, I am only use GNU/Linux as my operating system on my study, although not many course use GNU/Linux on procces. Latter, I joined GNU/Linux Study Club on my campus, and start learn deeper on GNU/Linux.

Jogja is known as a center of education (City of Students) because almost 20% of its productive population is students. The city is colored by the various background of students that came from various regions in Indonesia. Jogja has private and public/state universities. Jogja have more than 16 universities which have computer related majors. Each campus have similar GNU/Linux Study club. And each month all GNU/Linux study club held regular meeting. Each meeting will talk about GNU/Linux technical or non technical related and held on different location.

From this background, education about GNU/Linux on University become common things. Students start using GNU/Linux base what their need for their study. Many campus often have GNU/Linux Repository, event ther GNU/Linux derivative distribution. Each campus have different fan of distribution too. I join this community until I graduated from my Campus at 2014.

This habit they keep up to the next office. Why? Because now, Jogja move from city of education to city of startup. Because more than 10 big startup create Developer Office on Jogja. And many new startup born everyday.

2018, GNU/Linux community in Jogja did not have bigger fans like ten years ago. But every startup still using GNU/Linux for their development and service what their made, even using all open source tools in development tools.

In this talk, I will present what keys point to make GNU/Linux became common things on Jogja. How it feasible to implement on other city or other country?

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Introduction to Self Encryption Disk (SED)

Michael Chang


08/11 15:30 - 15:45


Beginner / 入門

A brief introduction to Self Encryption Disk (SED), a hardware based full disk encryption (FDE), which is implemented by hard disk vendors confining to the OPAL storage specification developed by the Trusted Computing Group (TCG).

The SED is not rare or expensive, in contrast, it is relatively easy to find on the market of Solid State Drive (SSD) and is also inexpensive. The feature comes with almost no extra cost (money for real), so why not jump on the boat of encrypting your data through most fancy technology. The talk will let you know about how to identify it.

Second, since it is about Security, the talk will cover the security concerns, and also comparison with Software based encryption on Linux (LUKS).

Third, the majority of the talk is to give you an idea how to set it up in openSUSE, centered around the tool sedutil and will provide you the information of how to use it to accomplish most common tasks (80/20).

Last, it has always been tricky to boot from encrypted device, as we are not only facing trypical chicken-and-egg situation but also different firmware could impose different constraints. We will talk about the solution provided by SED/OPAL spec and also how to use tools in openSUSE to craft that.

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The status of HiDPI support on openSUSE Leap15

Chingkai Chu / 朱庆凯


08/11 15:45 - 16:00

漢語 / Mandarin Chinese

Beginner / 入門

HiDPI displays are all the rage now, It is not easy to get your Linux scaled correctly in the past. openSUSE Leap15 has pretty good HiDPI support these days, you can enable HiDPI support more easier than before. In this talk I will give a brief introduction of HiDPI and share the status of HiDPI support on openSUSE Leap15 and summarize how to tweak the scaling factors for YaST Installer, Grub2(on both Legacy and UEFI mode), GDM, GNOME Session, SDDM, KDE Plasma, other apps (on both X and Wayland), some known issues and the support of fractional scaling from a Desktop user's perspective.

Hopefully this talk will help some openSUSE users to get their life with a HiDPI screen more pleasant.

About the Speaker:
My name is Chingkai Chu, I am a software engineer from Beijing SLE Desktop Dev&QA Team. This talk is based on a HiDPI testing for SLED15 and openSUSE Leap15 in my team.

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My openSUSE Journey

Simon Lees


08/12 09:30 - 10:00


Beginner / 入門

How someone from the other side of the world ended up on the openSUSE Board.

In this talk I will wander through my journey and experiences in the openSUSE project, and how over an 8 year period someone from the other side of the world to most contributors (Adelaide, Australia) ended up on the board of openSUSE.

Through this talk i'll cover many parts of the openSUSE project, how they work, how I got involved along with how others can get involved. Covering various areas like providing support through forums, irc and email through to getting involved with development in areas such as packaging and translating, focusing on the concept that anyone can be involved.

If the conference organizers would like a keynote from an openSUSE board member, I will be the person who will give the keynote this year and I will use this talk, otherwise i'm happy for to have it as a normal talk.

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Using latest LibreOffice on openSUSE Leap 15

小笠原 徳彦 Naruhiko Ogasawara


08/12 09:30 - 10:00


Beginner / 入門

LibreOffice is a feature-rich, open-sourced office productive suite and is one of the critical parts of Linux desktop like openSUSE.

Consumer products, like LibreOffice, have to keep continuous evolve to catch end-users' desire than server-side software which is preferred to be more stable than features added. Thus, LibreOffice takes time-based release policy of performing major release with functional additions every six months.

Sometimes you may want to use newer LibreOffice (includes daily build or beta/RC testing build) than pre-packaged version shipped with openSUSE Leap 15 (Leap 15 provides latest "Fresh" LibreOffice 6.0 at the moment (June), but 6.1 will be released August). Of course, you can use TDF build RPM package instead of openSUSE package, but you can do this quickly with modern packaging systems, like Flatpak, AppImage or Snap. Additionally, you can also use several versions parallelly with them.

In this talk, I would like to introduce these ways and pros/cons of the packaging systems on openSUSE Leap 15.

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XDP: Unleash The Power of Network Card

Gary Lin


08/12 10:00 - 10:30


Skilled / 中階

In the recent years, eBPF is extended across several other fields besides networking in Linux kernel, such as tracing, security, and error injection, and eXpress Data Path (XDP) leads the attention back to networking. Previously, eBPF is used in the generic network stack, and XDP goes further to integrate eBPF into the network drivers. With XDP, it's possible to dynamically inspect the packets right after harvesting them from the network cards. This is especially useful when dealing with the DDoS attack because the packets from the attackers are useless to the whole system, and it's better to drop them as early as possible to save the processing power. Furthermore, the newly merged AF_XDP patch set allows the user to do the zero-copy access to the packets, and this could bring more performance improvement to the userspace program. In this talk, I'll introduce the concept of XDP, the related mechanisms, and the recent updates in Linux upstream.

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We are openSUSE.Asia Summit



08/12 10:45 - 11:00

English / Chinese

Beginner / 入門

openSUSE.Asia Summit 2018 is the 5th Asia summit, when I looked back the way we took to get here, there were lots of impressive memories. I would take this oppertunity to open Photo album of openSUSE.Asia Summit and share with you all about our stories. Might you are in our stories, and might you will be in our stories.

I will also introduce our process of call for host, call for logo design, call for paper and call for volunteer, so that people can better know how do they get involve in. This is no possible to make openSUSE.Asia summit happen by just one people, so with you, we are openSUSE.Asia summit.

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Build your cloud file hosting using nextcloud on openSUSE Leap 15.0

Mohammad Rifki Affandi Z


08/12 10:45 - 11:00

English and Indonesia

Beginner / 入門

Nextcloud is a suite of client-server software for creating and using file hosting services. It is functionally similar to Dropbox, although Nextcloud is free and open-source, allowing anyone to install and operate it on a private server.
In contrast to proprietary services like Dropbox, the open architecture allows adding functionality to the server in form of applications and enables users to have full control of their data.
The original ownCloud developer Frank Karlitschek forked ownCloud and created Nextcloud, which continues to be actively developed by Karlitschek and other members of the original ownCloud team.

in the case of this time, I use openSUSE Leap 15.0 to build nextcloud on it, and I will explain briefly how I can build it and installing nextcloud steps above openSUSE Leap 15.0, which turns out to build nextcloud on your own computer is not too difficult, easy even for beginners though.

so we can build their own cloud file hosting, and that too is free to obtain and is an open source

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DRBD - block device replication solution for HA cluster mainly

Syuta Hashimoto


08/12 11:00 - 11:30


Beginner / 入門

This talk explains HA cluster used by DRBD.
DRBD is block device replication software developed by LINBIT and licensed by GPLv3.
HA cluster is usually an expensive fee for device and controller software.
DRBD can make HA cluster low cost because it is opensource and can use general devices.

Volumes can become the single point of failure. but DRBD can cover it.
and we can use it by manage controllers like drbdmanage or LINSTOR.
LINSTOR has not been yet supported in openSUSE. but, LINBIT quitted development of drbdmanage. and announced developing LINSTOR.
so I explain LINSTOR to provision HA cluster. I wish openSUSE will support LINSTOR. and I think basic philosophy is same.

HA cluster used by DRBD is more usable. DRBD can use with pacemaker and Corosync, with kubernetes. and more. this talk introduces them.
pacemaker and Corosync can manage clusters. pacemaker and Corosync change active node when detecting a failure.
DRBD support kubernetes by Kubernetes Flex Volume plugin.

I remark easy step to setup HA cluster with DRBD. so attendee can learn how to setup HA cluster with easy way and HA cluster background philosophy.

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Deployment of multi node web server, database server and storage session server with Ansible

Didiet Agus Pambudiono


08/12 11:00 - 11:30


Skilled / 中階

In deploying the server, especially in large quantities, it takes a long time, because the deployment must be done on each server one by one, deployment must also be done in detail so that each server is identical to each other in a group.
If this is done then there is the possibility of one or more of the servers not being identical to the other servers in a group.
So we need a tool to simplify the work, and then we use Ansible to do more deployment in the future. What is Ansible? Ansible is an open-source IT automation engine which can remove drudgery from your work life, and will also dramatically improve the scalability, consistency, and reliability of your IT environment.
We use ansible to deploy web servers, database servers with galera clusters, and session storage servers with master-slave mode. With the use of this tool can reduce the time required in deployment servers, and unidentical server in a group can be avoided

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Maintaining the Good Spirit

M. Edwin Zakaria


08/12 11:30 - 12:00


Beginner / 入門

openSUSE Indonesia community is a bunch of people who love openSUSE in Indonesia, a tropical archipelagic country.
Since establish in 2007, we experience up and down era which is normal in loose hierarchical organization ;-)
People come and go, but there always someone who willing to maintain and continue the breath of this community. So we have to maintain the good spirit to keep us alive and fun :-)

In the earlier year we always do a monthly or bi-monthly offline meeting, at that time the internet connection still not massive like it is right now. It was important to meet in person to maintain the cohesiveness of the community. While it was good, but that offline meeting only effective in certain area mainly in Jakarta metropolitan area. Right now, the communication means using internet connection, like website, facebook and telegram are more effective.
Off course we still do offline meeting/class but not as many as the earlier year.

As of May 2018, our facebook group have around 4200 member and around 1100 member are active user. Telegram group member are around 370 as of May 2018. Our web site is accessed around 51 hits per day.

This is about openSUSE community progress in our country and examining it in the last 3 years, we're on the right track.
I would love to share the experience promoting openSUSE and also want to hear other community experience in other Asian countries.

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State of CJK issues of LibreOffice

Shinji Enoki 榎 真治


08/12 11:30 - 12:00


Skilled / 中階

The LibreOffice project is an aimed at multilingualism, as stated in The Document Foundation's"Our Values"of"Our Next Decade Manifesto" that anyone can translate so that everyone can use it in their mother tongue.
However, LibreOffice developers are mostly in Europe, and in order to use them conveniently in other languages, those who understand those languages ​​need to solve the problem. LibreOffice 's CJK and problems unique to the Japanese environment are various such as vertical writing, external characters, phonetic, currency and date notation.
Sometimes CJK regression bugs occur in the LibreOffice project. It is important to strengthen user's feedback loop approach. However, I would like to find regression bugs by testing.
In last year's talk, I organized mainly examples of concrete CJK bugs. In this year's talk, As the first, I will analyze the bug database and introduce the trend. Secondly, I will organize major CJK bug cases. Thirdly, I will discuss how to test CJK functionality to find bugs before release.

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openATTIC using Grafana and Prometheus

Alex Lau (AvengerMoJo)


08/12 13:00 - 13:30

English / Chinese

Skilled / 中階

If you never heard of openATTIC before, please spend a little time to talk a look at the above video to understand openATTIC.

openATTIC is the webUI for managing ceph storage in SUSE Linux and it is also accepted upstream as part of the default managing UI. Within openATTIC, it contains lots of different projects to provide all the functions including salt, Grafana and Prometheus.

This will not be a ceph or openATTIC focus talk, even we use it as the example of showing how everything work together. Instead we will look into openATTIC to see how each project work with each other. Mainly focus on Grafana and Prometheus, they are not only very useful for ceph and openATTIC but also equally powerful for monitoring your clusters, vm or cloud / container status.

Both Grafana and Prometheus are very easy to extend, which allow user or administrator to build the dashboard which fit their own need. Even the presentation example will be base on ceph / storage. Participants can use the same idea to monitor any system status they wanted after understand how they work.

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Introduction of Open Build Service

AL Cho


08/12 13:30 - 14:00

漢語 / Mandarin Chinese

Beginner / 入門

The Open Build Service (OBS) is a generic system to build and distribute binary packages from sources in an automatic, consistent and reproducible way. You can release packages as well as updates, add-ons, appliances and entire distributions for a wide range of operating systems and hardware architectures.

Open Build Service
Create and Distribute Software Packages for all the Major Linux Distribution s with all the Tools to Work Together
A generic system to build and distribute packages from sources in an automatic consistent and reproducible way. Release your software for a wide range of operating system and hardware architectures.
Provides all the tools to work collaboratively and harness the power of the open source development model. Set fine grained access rights, branch code, send merge requests and review submissions.

OBS is
For Users
For Packagers
For Free Software Projects and Independent Software Vendors

This Open Build Service (OBS) talk will base on

  1. What can the Open Build Service do?
  2. How to use OBS to create your own rpm/packages
  3. How to co-work with OBS
  4. Use Git and OBS for developers
  5. How can you build containers with OBS? - Introduction of OBS Container Registry.

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LibreOffice The Swiss Army Knife of Document Creation

Edwin C. L. Lee


08/12 14:30 - 15:00


Beginner / 入門

I will be discussing LibreOffice and Open Document Format (ODF) at an introductory level. Both initiatives are backed by The Document Foundation (TDF), a non-profit organization in Germany. LibreOffice is a free and open source cross-platform office application suite, it is available for a number of operating systems, such as Windows, MacOS, and Linux. Additionally, as a truly globalized application, it is available in many different languages of the world. It is used daily by tens of millions of people. I will also be talking about the improvements in LibreOffice Version 6.1. Furthermore, I will be demonstrating a number of interesting usages of LibreOffice in creating documents such as product catalogs, e-books, and PDF forms. Participants will gain a good understanding of what LibreOffice is about and how they can contribute to its community. Participants will appreciate the diversity of documents that can be created with LibreOffice through the live demonstrations and how easy it is to learn.

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openSUSE Leap & Flatpak

Kukuh Syafaat


08/12 14:15 - 14:30


Beginner / 入門

This proposal is a continuation of my previous topic on last summit "Flatpak & AppImage Usage on openSUSE. Which One Suitable for openSUSE Users?" ( that i'm rely on Flatpak on openSUSE Leap since 42.x until 15.0.

Using Flatpak on openSUSE is such a great way that people can use latest application through Flatpak on stable system with openSUSE Leap. Sometimes, people also can try nightly build apps with Flatpak without dependencies hell or break the system and install the same apps with multiple versions. Flatpak (formerly xdg-app) is a software utility for software deployment, package management, and application virtualization for Linux desktop computers. It provides a sandbox environment in which users can run applications in isolation from the rest of the system. Applications using Flatpak need permission from the user to control hardware devices or access the user's files.

On this proposal, I will tell my experience that i am encounter in daily use on last two years on using Flatpak with openSUSE Leap. The audience are Linux user, begineer or advanced. Attendees can expect a how Flatpak use on openSUSE Leap in a great way. This proposal will help users to know how to install with software packages without being confused with dependencies.

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My experence to create a python package with C language



08/11 15:30 - 15:45

漢語 / Mandarin Chinese

Beginner / 入門

During my daily works, I need to create a python package with C language. it is a challenge to finish this in a short time, I read some guide, met some troubles, try my best to fix it and finally have got some tips. if you know how to program in C. such extension modules can do two things that can't be done directly in Python: they can implement new built-in object types, and they can call C library functions and system calls. To support extensions, the Python API (Application Programmers Interface) defines a set of functions, macros, and variables that provide access to most aspects of the Python run-time system. The Python API is incorporated in a C source file by including the header"Python.h". The compilation of an extension module depends on its intended use as well as on your system setup; details are given in the talk. I hope to share it with other people in our community. Thanks!

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Introduction to openSUSE Portus

Daniel Lin


08/12 14:30 - 15:00

漢語 / Mandarin Chinese

Beginner / 入門

Portus is an open source authorization service and user interface for the next generation Docker Registry.


Implements the new authorization scheme defined by the latest version of the Docker registry. It allows for fine grained control over all of your images. You decide which users and teams are allowed to push or pull images.
Map your company organization inside of Portus, define as many teams as you want and add and remove users from them.

Easily manage users with teams:

Teams have three different types of users to allow full granularity:

  • Viewers: can only pull images.
  • Contributors: can push and pull images.
  • Owners: like contrinutors, but can also add and remove users from the team

Portus provides an intuitive overview of the contents of your private registry. It also features a search capability to find images even faster.

User privileges are constantly taken into account, even when browsing the contents of the repository or when performing searches.

The Docker Registry on the market is very varied. Do you still have a headache to choose?
Can try Portus, this is a OpenSource tool, but also provides beautiful UI operation
The heart is better to learn immediately

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Integrating Cloud Pinyin in ibus-libpinyin

Hillwood Yang


08/12 15:00 - 16:00

漢語 / Mandarin Chinese

Beginner / 入門

Pinyin input method is the most popular input method in China. There are many kinds of Pinyin input methods on ibus, such as ibus-pinyin, ibus-libpinyin and ibus-sunpinyin. All of them need search words from local table dictionary.
What is ibus? The full name of ibus is Input Bus Introduction. It is the default input method framework in SUSE Linux Enterprise and openSUSE GNOME Desktop. ibus-pinyin and ibus-libpinyin work on ibus. ibus and its input method are very important to Asia users of SUSE Linux Enterprise and openSUSE.
The cloud computing is the new feature in some commercial input methods in China. They can search and get words from cloud server. Cloud computing can greatly improve the accuracy of the input method.
This project is integrating cloud computing in ibus-pinyin or ibus-libpinyin. Many cloud pinyin input methods have apis can be used, Such as baidupinyin and googlepinyin.And Fcitx have finished this work, but it was just a extension on fcitx (fcitx-cloudpinyin).

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Having fun with KDE: create a Plasmoid

Yan Arief


08/12 15:00 - 16:00


Beginner / 入門

K Desktop Environment or KDE is one of the most popular in Linux. Many features provided by KDE. This is my favorite desktop environment that I use everyday with openSUSE.

On this session I will talk about one of the cool features of KDE, namely Plasmoid, a simple script for the plasma engine. I am focusing on writing QML (Qt Modeling Language) script to create a Plasmoid. QML is a user interface markup language. It is a declarative language for designing user interface–centric applications. Inline JavaScript code handles imperative aspects.

On this talk I will explain how to create plasmoid as RSS feed reader, for example fetching RSS feed of blog. This feed will be displayed on desktop if the blog was updated. Plasmoid will send a notification on desktop.

I will explain how to write QML code using Qt libraries, compile the plasmoid, install it on the desktop, and also give tips and tricks using QML to create other Plasmoid.

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