Having fun with KDE: create a Plasmoid

openSUSE.Asia Summit


08/12 15:00 - 16:00


Beginner / 入門

K Desktop Environment or KDE is one of the most popular in Linux. Many features provided by KDE. This is my favorite desktop environment that I use everyday with openSUSE.

On this session I will talk about one of the cool features of KDE, namely Plasmoid, a simple script for the plasma engine. I am focusing on writing QML (Qt Modeling Language) script to create a Plasmoid. QML is a user interface markup language. It is a declarative language for designing user interface–centric applications. Inline JavaScript code handles imperative aspects.

On this talk I will explain how to create plasmoid as RSS feed reader, for example fetching RSS feed of openSUSE.id blog. This feed will be displayed on desktop if the blog was updated. Plasmoid will send a notification on desktop.

I will explain how to write QML code using Qt libraries, compile the plasmoid, install it on the desktop, and also give tips and tricks using QML to create other Plasmoid.

Collaborative notes on HackMD

Yan Arief

Linux System Administration

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