Ansible and openSUSE workshop

openSUSE.Asia Summit


08/11 13:00 - 15:15

漢語 / Mandarin Chinese

Beginner / 入門

Ansible is an IT automation tool. It can configure systems, deploy software, and orchestrate more advanced IT tasks such as continuous deployments or zero downtime rolling updates.
In this workshop - We will introduce ansible and hands on some example with openSUSE.

  • What is ansible - configuration management tool

  • Online resource with ansible

  • Why do you use Ansible

  • What's difference with shell script?

  • What do I need to know before I use Ansible?

  • How to install ansible with openSUSE and other linux.

  • The role of Ansible.
    ---- Control Machine
    ---- Managed Node

  • Hands on - Hello ansible! Your first ansible command.
    ---- Use command line
    ---- Use Jupyterhub

  • What is inventory file?

  • What is ansible.cfg?

  • What is Ansible Module - what could them do it for you?

  • Hands on - use ansible module with openSUSE.

  • What is Playbook?
    ---- how could I use playbook with ansible.

  • Hands on - use ansible playbook with openSUSE

  • Reference

Collaborative notes on HackMD

Max Huang

Working at NCHC
Study Area 酷學園 & 鳥哥私房菜 小雜工
openSUSE Member / openSUSE.Asia Committee Member
GNOME.Asia Committee Member
喜歡社群自由無私的分享、熱愛自由軟體及 Linux 所帶來的方便性

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