

台北以太坊社群 Taipei Ethereum Meetup

我們專注在 Ethereum 技術理論、實作、與應用的討論社群,目前每月由社群參加者自願分享。Ethereum 是具有智能合約功能的區塊鏈平台。


Blockchain is a hot topic right now, but to often the focus is on ICOs and token trading. In this track we want to showcase uses of Blockchain that go beyond tokens and solve real world problems.
We use Ethereum and blockchain technologies to build decentralized applications and change the world.



Yuren Ju (小朱)


08/11 10:00 - 10:25

漢語 / Mandarin Chinese

Skilled / 中階

application developer

大家對二手票卷總是又愛又恨,但無論如何這樣的需求仍然存在。本演講將會探討如何使用 Ethereum ERC721 建立一個搭建在 Ethereum Blockchain 上支援二手票卷的售票系統。

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Ethereum Tokens - 新手終極指南



08/11 10:25 - 10:50

漢語 / Mandarin Chinese

Beginner / 入門

Ethereum begineers and dapp developers

寫給 Dapp 新手的 Ethereum Token 終極指南,從最基礎的 ERC-20 標準,一路介紹到 ERC-223, ERC-677, ERC-777, ERC-721, ERC-821, ERC-865 等,以及各式實作與實際用法。

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Life Cycle of An Ethereum Transaction



08/11 11:00 - 11:25

漢語 / Mandarin Chinese

Skilled / 中階


交易 (Transaction) 是組成區塊 (Block) 的最小單位。在以太坊 Ethereum 中,使用者可以透過像是 Metamask 以及 Myetherwallet 這類的軟體錢包或是運行一個以太坊的節點來送出交易。從使用者送出一筆交易到真正的被放進區塊中間需要經過層層的關卡才能完成甚至因為參數的設定導致交易失敗。以 go-ethereum 為例子來介紹一筆交易的生命週期,包含交易是怎麼被生成,何謂交易參數,如何被驗證,如何廣播到其他節點以及應該給多少手續費才會被礦工接受並且放到區塊。

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Build an Etherscan service

Mark Lin


08/11 11:25 - 11:50

漢語 / Mandarin Chinese

Skilled / 中階

Blockchain developer

In this sharing, I will introduce the required APIs in Etherscan service, list some possible solutions, and compare those pros and cons. After that, illustrate our current design and future works.

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Devops Panel

John Chu, Ken Lin, smalltown


08/11 12:50 - 13:15

An Introduction to Ethereum Layer 2 Solutions

呂峻豪, 陳柏翰


08/11 13:20 - 13:45

漢語 / Mandarin Chinese

Skilled / 中階

Intermediate Blockchain Engineer

Most of the blockchain mainnet is not scalable. For example, the average transaction per second of Ethereum is only 25tps. Fortunately, we have some scaling solutions for blockchain that supports smart contract, like Ethereum. These solutions include payment channel, state channel, plasma and BOLT, which is developed by BOLT research team. In this talk, we will introduce these scaling solutions and compare their pros and cons.

ref1: Making Sense of Ethereum’s Layer 2 Scaling Solutions: State Channels, Plasma, and Truebit
ref2: Layer 2

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BOLT: Booster of Ledger Technology

邱駿, 鄭安傑


08/11 14:10 - 14:35

漢語 / Mandarin Chinese

Skilled / 中階

Intermediate Blockchain Engineer

BOLT, a.k.a Booster of Ledger Technology, is one of the public blockchain layer 2 solutions. The core idea of BOLT is that it boosts the network by utilizing centralized system. Meanwhile, BOLT uses auditors to ensure the security of the booster. In this talk, we will introduce BOLT and present a live demo that shows the power of this new technology.

ref1: BOLT github
ref2: BOLT yellow paper

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Plasma introduction



08/11 13:45 - 14:10

漢語 / Mandarin Chinese

Skilled / 中階

Interested or experienced in blockchain (especially Ethereum)

Plasma is a second layer scalability solution proposed by Ethereum Foundation. Inspired by Lightening Network, it uses child chains reporting to root chains (i.e. Ethereum) to increase transaction throughput without sacrificing the safety. It theoretically empowers Ethereum blockchain to handle billions of computations per second.

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Lity: 讓你更安全的 smart contract language



08/11 14:50 - 15:15

漢語 / Mandarin Chinese

Skilled / 中階

Solidity developer

在 Ethereum 開發 smart contract 時,常常會因為原本語法上的設計,讓開發者可能在無意間犯下數千萬金錢的損失。以最近發生的 BEC overflow 事件,因為在一個小地方的乘法沒有使用 SafeMath 函式庫來包裝,讓 token 數量可以被 overflow 攻擊,進而造成非常驚人的損失。以及 EDU 沒有使用 SafeMath 做數值的減法。

而當我們想在 Ethereum 中增加加解密的功能時,直接將 RSA encrypt & decrypt 的演算法實現在 Solidity 中的時候,會讓大量資料的加解密消耗過多的 gas 讓整個 transaction 失敗。

Lity 是基於 Solidity language 來擴充的語言,針對上面提到的兩個問題做了改善:

  1. Lity Native Interface 提供了一個 ENI 指令,當 developer 想使用複雜計算的額外功能,可以通過 ENI 指令來呼叫以 C/C++ 實作的外部 library 來執行。

  2. Lity Linter 提供更安全的 overflow checker、ERC Standard checker 等讓 developer 能更安心的開發。

在本次的演講中,我將談論 Lity 的設計哲學與在實作中的各種血淚故事,以及對現在 Solidity compiler 的看法。

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用 Solidity 開發高效能智能合約



08/11 15:15 - 15:40

漢語 / Mandarin Chinese

Skilled / 中階

Solidity Developer




08/11 15:40 - 16:00

漢語 / Mandarin Chinese

Skilled / 中階

smart contract developers

智能合約一旦部署上區塊鏈便無法修改,因此我們無法替現有的合約增加新功能或修復 bug,相當缺乏彈性。

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08/12 09:30 - 10:00

漢語 / Mandarin Chinese

Skilled / 中階


區塊鏈雖然是當下熱點,但並非萬能。巧妙借鑑區塊鏈的思想,通過創新性的技術架構與實現手段,可以解決本時代互聯網存在的嚴峻問題。陳榕先生作爲操作系統專家,曾長期參與微軟操作系統的開發,此後創業自主設計了 開源的 Elastos 項目,並得到鴻海集團 3000 餘萬美金投資支持,已經成爲由區塊鏈技術驅動的、開源分佈式、适應物聯網時代的新型網絡操作系統。Elastos 項目目前已經開源了 2000 万行代碼,並將半數以上的 token 用於開源社區、開源代碼的持續建設。Elastos 代表了 Smart Web 發展方向,集中關注在 ID 身份認證、Token 價值存證、可控複製保護稀缺、共識機制、去運營中介、去運行中介這 6 個維度。重點通過開源的 carrier 模塊,建設安全網絡,減少和避免數據洩露、冒用、DDOS 攻擊;通過開源的 Runtime 模塊,爲 DAPP 提供安全的運行環境,將區塊鏈的權益傳遞到手機安全運行。通過設立無 Daemon、無驅動、無上網能力的虛擬機,秉持「上網不計算、計算不上網」的原則,通過精妙的技術代碼,加上開源社區的持續貢獻,從而構建了一個保證安全、傳遞程式因而傳遞價值、開源而皆可參與的新一代網絡。

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08/12 10:30 - 11:00

漢語 / Mandarin Chinese

Skilled / 中階


通過區塊鏈為開源社區構建自洽的經濟生態,我們(「Linux 中國」開源社區)在社區中通過區塊鏈思想,將貢獻、激勵和自治和經濟自洽有機地結合在一起,探索一條不假于外部商業機構和捐贈的開源社區發展之路。

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基於區塊鏈的開源社區与貢獻的激勵機制的思考 A few thoughts on blockchain-based community & contribution incentive mechanism

Richard 林旅強


08/12 11:00 - 11:30

漢語 / Mandarin Chinese

Beginner / 入門


。Economic system evolution: A zero maginal cost society is being transformed by AI, Blockchain, IoT, etc. where FOSS weaves everything together. Yet, there is little sustaibable returns or rewards to the FOSS communities and contributions.

。Governance challenges on consensus & incentive for FOSS communities and contributions

。Current FOSS and blockchain consensus & incentive mechanisms

。GCR market characteristics to fertilize a blockchain-based community & contribution incentive mechanism

。Next step: Building a blockchain-based community & contribution incentive mechanism in this region.

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08/12 10:00 - 10:30

漢語 / Mandarin Chinese

Advanced / 進階

已經對開源比較熟悉,但是對區塊鏈不太熟悉,希望了解 Blockchain

Internet 的發展得益於開源軟體,然而,因特網有服務中心化的需求,使得開源軟件實際使用有限。比如, 能比 GNUCash 解決用戶聯合記帳需求,Gmail 比 Thunderbird 更能解決隨時隨地訪問電郵需求。

智能手機和平板原本應該能為開源提供更多發揮余地,因為在這些平台上本地 APP 比服務器端的服務體驗更好。然而實際上 app 多是即有服務的前端。開源也沒有利用這個機會發展起來。

講師這里會介紹下一代基於區塊鏈的新應用很多地方很難繞開源的需求,尤其是 “無責任服務” 的產生,通過智能合約,而非一個中心擔保方提供的服務,如果不開源就無法被區塊鏈產業接受。同時,因為用戶(不經銀行代管)持有加密貨幣,大量業務邏輯必須發生在用戶設備上,這些也需要開源獲得用戶信任。開源開發者應用利用這個機會,使用開源技朮占領用戶終端和去中心化服務這兩塊傳統技朮難於進取的市場。

講師會介紹 Non-fungible-token 的概念,這是用戶權益 Token,而非加密貨幣。講師會介紹這些 Token 意味着非金融應用(也就是所有應用)均有在區塊鏈上的大量應用場景。請不做金融開源的也進來聽。

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Panel Discussion

Martin Bähr


08/12 11:30 - 12:30


Beginner / 入門


the general topic that i would like to discuss is FOSS and blockchain.

How does blockchain fit into the FOSS community?

unlike many other projects that are started in the FOSS community, or where the ideals of the project are very much aligned with the FOSS community, many blockchain projects appear to be following a different philosophy, and the fact that the blockchain code is under a Free Software and Open Source licence is more incidental than intentional.

i will invite a selection of speakers coming to COSCUP to join the panel
and i'd like to ask every speaker questions like:

what is your relationship to the FOSS community?

what made you decide to come here, instead of going to a blockchain conference?

how do you use Free Software and Open Source in your project?
do you think that blockchain projects should be more focused on FOSS, on their roots, where their code comes from? if yes, how could we achieve that?

does blockchain depend on Free Software and Open Source licensing?

if you had to choose between FOSS and blockchain, what is more important to you?

the specific set of questions will still change. and i will include the invited speakers in choosing good questions.

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