What we are exciting about MySQL 8.0

Open Source Database


08/11 10:00 - 10:40


Skilled / 中階

MySQL DBA, Developer, Architect, Anyone cares about MySQL

The session will show you features and improvements from MySQL 8.0, and what issues those features are going to solve, I will cover the following topics in this session:
. How DBA can be benefit from MySQL 8.0 by:
. ACID data dictionary
. Information schema improvement
. Solution of hot row lock
. Cost model improvement
. Improve join performance by histogram
. Descending index
. Role and security enhancement
. Persistent options
. Resource Group
. How developer can be benefit from MySQL 8.0
. JSON and XDev API
. GIS improvement
. CTE (Common Table Expressions)
. Window functions
. UUID functions
. utfi8mb4 as default character set
I will also will show you MySQL road map in the near future.

Collaborative notes on HackMD

梶山隆輔 (Kajiyama Ryusuke)

Ryusuke Kajiyama is Open Source Specialist with 10+ years of experience of systems design using MySQL and open source solutions. He originally joined MySQL AB, and is currently managing MySQL Sales Consultant team of Asia Pacific region at Oracle.
Prior to join MySQL, he was Consultant at Nomura Research Institute, working on enterprise systems design with Oracle Database, WebLogic, Solaris, and various Open Source software including MySQL, JBoss and Linux. He is a Co-Founder of Japan JBoss Users Group


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