Source Code Navigation Assistant



08/12 16:15 - 16:45

漢語 / Mandarin Chinese

Nowadays, the screen readers are used for the blind people to read the text on the screen. The speech speed of the screen reader is usually incredibly fast, and it reads almost everything on the screen. Also, the generated speech is not so friendly for the users.

However, it's important for people to quickly get the meaningful summary of the current source code navigation, even for people with average eye-sight.

This talk introduces you the design of the navigation assistant, and the technical implementation details of the tool.

The assistant is implemented in Go, and its language parser is used to generate a short comprehensive summary, and the text will be converted to voice speech to improve your source code navigation experience.

Collaborative notes on HackMD

Yo-An Lin (c9s)

從 2007 年開始投入開放原始碼社群及專案已有十年,專精領域從 UI/UX Design, Visual Design, 前端如 TypeScript, JavaScript, CSS/SASS 等至後端技術如 Perl, Golang, PHP, NodeJs 等等。
於 2011 年開始使用 Go 程式語言開發工具 ,並於 2012 年將 Go 程式語言應用於正式環境 (Production) ,發布十多個 Go 相關開源專案,為 Golang 核心專案貢獻者之一。
曾在 Perl 最大的開放原始碼模組平台 CPAN 維護近五十個模組,至今在 GitHub 上開源約兩百多個專案。
知名專案為 PHPBrew, Maghead (ORM), Pux, CLIFramework 以及如 C 語言開發的高效能路由函式庫 r3。
其他曾參與貢獻的知名開源專案有 Google Go / HHVM / PHP (Zend Engine) / Jifty Perl Web Framework 等等。
曾為 2013 年 GitHub top 1 contributions user.


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