Growing Community with Open Source: Mothers and Housewives's GNOME and LibreOffice Training.

GNOME.Asia Summit


08/12 09:30 - 10:15


Beginner / 入門

GNOME Community

My current project called Perempuan Sadar Teknologi (Women Awareness in Technology). It is a movement to help, intoduce and teach woman, especially housewives and motherhood to understand the latest technology or nearest technology around them. I believe that technology should give a social impact.

As housewives, day always start too early and ended too late. They managed the houses but also want to keep up with technology for knowing that it is will bring their child a better future. For some reason, including that their time is not as free as students, they accept this challenge. This movement taken place in Family Welfare Movement (Pembinaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga) to help the housewives and mother to have basic skill on using open souce (GNOME) and Libre Office, knowing that they have so many options to start their laptop.

This talks cover the step of approaching a local community to start use GNOME and LibreOffice as well as use it on daily basis, the struggle of housewive and motherhood with no experience in using GNOME at all, and their progress to be familiar with GNOME.

Collaborative notes on HackMD

Siska Iskandar

From 2011, I’ve been focused for help and contribute on increasing awareness of women in technology especially in Open Source. We help them by teach and introduce them to newest technology or the explain the nearest technology around them. After attending several events about open souce, I joined GNOME Foundation in 2015.


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