Open Source Database

Open Source Database

This community room is going to invite speakers from open source databases (both RDBMS - refer and NoSQL databases - refer researchers/developers/contributors/communities/users, to share their newly developed products/use cases/best practices and insight to the industry trend. We hope some topics could be delivered by organizations that running systems on open source databases and created huge success thus the track and benefits the users and developer in Taiwan.


What we are exciting about MySQL 8.0

梶山隆輔 (Kajiyama Ryusuke)


08/11 10:00 - 10:40


Skilled / 中階

MySQL DBA, Developer, Architect, Anyone cares about MySQL

The session will show you features and improvements from MySQL 8.0, and what issues those features are going to solve, I will cover the following topics in this session:
. How DBA can be benefit from MySQL 8.0 by:
. ACID data dictionary
. Information schema improvement
. Solution of hot row lock
. Cost model improvement
. Improve join performance by histogram
. Descending index
. Role and security enhancement
. Persistent options
. Resource Group
. How developer can be benefit from MySQL 8.0
. JSON and XDev API
. GIS improvement
. CTE (Common Table Expressions)
. Window functions
. UUID functions
. utfi8mb4 as default character set
I will also will show you MySQL road map in the near future.

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MySQL 8.0: What's new in InnoDB

苏斌 (Su Bin)


08/11 10:45 - 11:25

漢語 / Mandarin Chinese

Skilled / 中階

DBA, database(MySQL) users and anyone who is interested in mysql source code or might write code based on MySQL

MySQL just announced the 8.0 GA in Apr, 2018, this is a very impressive release which will bring quite a lot of new and good features to all users. For example, new data dictionary, enhanced DDL, descending index, partial update JSON, dedicated server, new in-memory storage engine, etc. At the meantime, MySQL has improved the performance significantly in the 8.0 GA release, such as the re-design of redo log. As we know, InnoDB is the main and most important storage engine which is supported officially. By diving into InnoDB, we can know better about how these new features and improvements are implemented, what users should pay attention to, how users can run 8.0 server in a better way.

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Writing a NodeJS Application with Flexible Schema [JSON and Relational Database] The Power of MySQL 8.0

Ivan Ma


08/11 11:30 - 12:10

漢語 / Mandarin Chinese

Skilled / 中階

Developers, DBA

JSON document usage is widely used in data exchange or storage. Flexible schema by mixing JSON document and relational data in MySQL database provides the X-over capability allowing the development of next generation application with the extension to the existing operational data from relational database. The session shares the insight of using JSON document with Relational Database in MySQL 8.0 by creating a NodeJS Booking Application using expressJS framework. We will show you the highly interested X-over XDevAPI in using the Collection and JSON document. Join us to see the Power of MySQL 8.0 in Document Store features!

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Inception- 雲時代的 MySQL 審核開源工具



08/11 13:00 - 13:40

漢語 / Mandarin Chinese

Skilled / 中階

MySQL 使用者, 應用系統開發者, 資料庫管理者, 系統管理者

在使用 MySQL 的過程中,爲了確保 SQL 操作的安全和高效,我們逐步認識到對 SQL 的審核越來越重要,特別是在 MySQL 雲逐步普及的今天,很多 MySQL 都在雲端工作,運維的 DBA 越來越少,怎麽高效和自動化的利用自動化工具做 SQL 審核,以保證高效利用資料庫越來越重要了。我們設計並開發了 Inception,利用這個工具可以實現自動化的 SQL 審核、執行、備份、回滾等操作。

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What's new in PostgreSQL 11



08/11 13:45 - 14:15

漢語 / Mandarin Chinese

Skilled / 中階


PostgreSQL 11 將於 2018 年第三季發布,在這個新的版本有許多功能新增與強化,如 Local Partitioned Indexes、Hash Partitioning、Partition Wise Join、Partition Wise Aggregates... 等。盼藉由這半小時介紹 PostgreSQL 11 的新特性,以及讓更多人認識 TWPUG。

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PostgreSQL 漫步雲端



08/11 14:20 - 14:50

漢語 / Mandarin Chinese

Skilled / 中階

IT pros/developers

適用於 PostgreSQL 的 Azure 資料庫為應用程式的開發與部署提供完整受控、符合企業需求的社群版 PostgreSQL 資料庫即服務。讓你輕鬆地移轉到雲端,並可任選語言和架構。除此之外,內建的高可用性與功能,在幾秒內即可調整完成,輕鬆依據需求的改變來調整。強大的安全性與合規性 (包括 Azure IP Advantage) 結合傲視群雄的資料中心數量,務必一起來看看此議程如何帶領各位在彈指之間即可上雲駕馭 PostgreSQL。

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PostgreSQL Security Issue and pgAudit



08/11 14:55 - 15:25


Advanced / 進階

DBA / Manager

How to alter a large table

Steven Huang 黃鈞彥


08/11 15:30 - 16:00

漢語 / Mandarin Chinese

Skilled / 中階

1. 工作上有需要處理大型資料庫的開發者 2. 對大型資料庫有興趣的開發者。

資料量小的時候編輯表 (alter table) 很簡單。而若 Table 資料量達千萬級且資料庫有讀寫分離的情況下,編輯表 (alter table) 可能會成為你的惡夢。這次的 Talk 將會分享大型資料庫如何克服讀寫分離的 slave lag。如何使用 Open Source 方案 LHM 成功的解決問題。

註: alter table 即對 table 新增、修改欄位或是增加、刪除索引(index)... 等等的動作。

附上 Ruby Conf 2018 閃電秀所分享的投影片
這次我會將內容加強讓非 Ruby on Rails 的開發者也可以了解運作原理,並且順利使用之。

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1. 利用 PostgreSQL 作圖形相似度計算 2.PostgreSQL 與 Oracle / MySQL 協作



08/12 09:30 - 10:00

漢語 / Mandarin Chinese

Advanced / 進階


MongoDB 新里程 - 新事務性模式



08/12 10:05 - 10:45

漢語 / Mandarin Chinese

Beginner / 入門

DBA , Developer

MongoDB 4.0 將支持多文檔事務, 未來 MongoDB 將成為唯一能夠同時支持速度、靈活性和 ACID 數據完整保證的資料庫。
ACID 多文檔事務,可以理解為關係型數據庫的多行事務。在關聯式資料庫的事務支持中,大家幾乎無一例外支持同一事務內操作的原子性,即要就全部提交 (Commit),否則全部回滾 (Rollback)。這個同一事務內可以有多個操作,針對於多個表,或者是同一個表內的多行數據。

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PostgreSQL 複製藝術



08/12 10:50 - 11:30

漢語 / Mandarin Chinese

Skilled / 中階


資料複製在資料庫應用場景來說是必要需求, 依據資料應用服務需求可分為以下幾個類別:

  • 災難回復 (Disaster Recovery/Reading and Writing)
  • 表單同步 (Partial Replication/Reporting)

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PostgreSQL as a Log database



08/12 11:35 - 12:30

漢語 / Mandarin Chinese

Skilled / 中階

DBA / Developer

提供一個實際的 PostgreSQL 案例,為 Log 記錄及展示系統,它需要資料庫管理員和程式設計師兩方的良好互動,期待的結果也考驗著讀寫兩端的衡量。PostgreSQL 可能不是這個應用的最佳資料庫系統,但考量到人員技術與管理的相容性,卻是這個案例下較好的選擇。

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