Android 開源專案

隨著開源技術的發展與成熟,以及開源社群的活躍,培養出越來越多的本地開源技術人才,加上全球最大規模開源平台 GitHub 的興起,讓更多元化的參與者透過分享、討論、貢獻的過程,使能夠永續共享或創新創造的開源專案得以實現。這股新興開源的能量,儼然已成為各種技術創新的發展策略。台灣雲端物聯網產業協會長期協助推動 Taiwan Open Stack User Group 及 OCP Taiwan 等社群與臺灣產業之互動連結,藉由此次台灣開放原始碼社群聯合推動的 COSCUP 年度研討會,我們將組織邀請在國內成立之新興熱門開源專案代表,分享其專案領域的最新技術進展,進而連結社群開發能量,展現台灣開源創新的堅強實力。 OpenStack: Android_x86:


Dagger 是要割什麼?



08/12 12:40 - 13:30

漢語 / Mandarin Chinese

Skilled / 中階

Android/Java Developers

Dagger 是由 Android 大神 Jake wharton 所開發的 dependency injection framework,本場次將帶你從基礎入門如何使用並分析其背後精神 / 原理等深入探討。

Collaborative notes on HackMD

Android Treble: Faster Updates and Easier Upgrades

Merck Hung


08/12 13:40 - 14:30

漢語 / Mandarin Chinese

Beginner / 入門

Android device makers and hackers

Give out a tour about what is Android Treble at Google Android team, it was first introduced in 8.0/8.1, then enhanced in 9.0 this year. Will briefly cover its technical aspects such as VNDK, Binderized HAL, Build Split, etc.

Collaborative notes on HackMD

Android-in-the-cloud, a combination of android-x86 open source project and container technology

吳天健 (Wu Tian-Jian)


08/12 14:40 - 15:30

漢語 / Mandarin Chinese

Advanced / 進階

People who are interested in system software / os-level-virtualization / android-as-a-service / container / cgroup technologies

In COSCUP2017 we introduced “clondroid”, a mobile virtualization open source project developed by ITRI, Taiwan. This year we are going to introduce android-in-the-cloud, an os-level-virtualization technology that enables x86 server to host multiple independent android instances in containers with resource control feature based on cgroup. Thru innovative gpu-virtualization every android instance gains gpu’s 3D-acceleration. In this presentation it’s planned to talk about the project motivation, difficulties encountered , and interesting discoveries. It’s worthy to mention that we picked android-x86, another open source project initiated by Taiwan’s developer (Chih-Wei Huang), as a stepping stone of android-in-the-cloud.

Collaborative notes on HackMD

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