The Apache Way: Contributing to Apache Projects

Open Source Software Development & Management


08/12 13:40 - 14:10

漢語 / Mandarin Chinese

Beginner / 入門

Developers interested in open-source contribution (especially ASF projects)

The Apache Software Foundation is an all-volunteer organization that maintains and incubates over 350 open source projects that cover a wide range of technologies. Contributing to an Apache project is certainly one of the most direct ways to get in contact with some of the most brilliant software mindsets worldwide to work together on exciting ideas.

However, for some beginners to open-source contribution, taking that first step and submitting your first pull request could be quite intimidating.

This talk aims at introducing how Apache projects operate, how you can engage a project as a new contributor, and key points that lead to a rewarding contribution experience.

Collaborative notes on HackMD

戴資力 Tzu-Li (Gordon) Tai

Tzu-Li (Gordon) Tai is an Apache Flink PMC Member and Committer. He works at data Artisans, where he works full-time on open-source contribution for Flink. His main contributions in Flink includes some of the most widely used streaming connectors in Flink (for Apache Kafka, Elasticsearch, AWS Kinesis, etc.), as well as features around streaming state management. He is a frequent speaker in conferences such as Strata Data, Flink Forward, various Flink meetups, and Taiwan-based conferences on the Hadoop ecosystem and data engineering in general.

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