Form & Map based Mobile OSM Tool for Field Survey and Validation

Open GIS


08/12 11:25 - 11:50

臺語 / Taiwanese

Beginner / 入門

People interested in OSM

Traditional field survey and validation based on paper map & form. It takes much efforts to collect and digitize it, also difficult to include the meta-data such as photos, audio/video files, geo-tag location, and so on. Current ODK (Open Data Kit) with OMK (Open Map Kit) is popular and leveraged quite often, however, it needs some additional IT efforts for deployment before starting the field survey.

In this talk, we will introduce the all-in-one service: geoBingAn, which allows users to perform the field surveys (to interact with OSM data/tag) just as easy as if they were using Google Forms on OSM basemap from mobile. Moreover, the surveys can be performed by clicking on OSM building object for updating the tags by answering form, planned the Area of Interest with polygons drawing on basemap, deliver the assignments and accomplished message with app notification, and all the collected survey data can be exported in GeoJSON or KML file just with a few clicks from web UI.

We believe this OSM tool will lower the barrier of using OSM data for field surveyors, can even encourage the volunteer who doesn't have the knowledge of OSM tagging to contribute for OSM with proper form designed. We submitted this topic to SotM 2018 and it's accepted, we are keen to share this interesting development in COSCUP 2018 as well.

Collaborative notes on HackMD

Kuo-Yu slayer Chuang

Kuo-Yu slayer Chuang has worked on Location-Based Service (LBS) and disaster response with ICT for years. His current focus is the start-up social enterprise, GeoThings, which provides an integrated ICT platform for Communities, NGOs, and Government Agencies on disaster management. He is also working with various international organization such as OGC, GEO, ITU, and actively joined the OSM/HOT community and Crisis Mappers. Together with GeoThings team, slayer really look forward to a greater impact for disaster response with an idea of “the Humanitarian ICT”.

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