What does GNOME.Asia bring to Hong Kong and Asia community ?my experience in 7 years

GNOME.Asia Summit


08/11 11:00 - 11:45


Beginner / 入門

General and community contributors

A success GNOME.Asia Summit 2012 in Hong Kong gives me a confidence, to establish open source conferences in Hong Kong for both local and international.

What did I try ?
What are difficulties ?
What are success and failure purposes ?
What are current issues ? and ideas to resolve them in the future.

Collaborative notes on HackMD

Sammy Fung

Sammy is python developer working on web scraping, data and web applications, he shows his passions in open source community for 20 years. He is organiser of GNOME.Asia Summit 2012 in Hong Kong, and then he establishes Hong Kong Open Source Conference in 2013 and PyCon Hong Kong in 2015. His Twitter is @sammyfung

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