基於區塊鏈的開源社區与貢獻的激勵機制的思考 A few thoughts on blockchain-based community & contribution incentive mechanism



08/12 11:00 - 11:30

漢語 / Mandarin Chinese

Beginner / 入門


。Economic system evolution: A zero maginal cost society is being transformed by AI, Blockchain, IoT, etc. where FOSS weaves everything together. Yet, there is little sustaibable returns or rewards to the FOSS communities and contributions.

。Governance challenges on consensus & incentive for FOSS communities and contributions

。Current FOSS and blockchain consensus & incentive mechanisms

。GCR market characteristics to fertilize a blockchain-based community & contribution incentive mechanism

。Next step: Building a blockchain-based community & contribution incentive mechanism in this region.

Collaborative notes on HackMD

Richard 林旅強

旅居上海的台北人,參與 & 貢獻兩岸開源社群,COSCUP 多年志工,開源社發起人。日常工作是華為物聯網作業系統 LiteOS 運營總監。對於區塊鏈產業略知一二,HODL 派人士。

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